
Heroes come from the people:Jimu News Correspondents March into Turkey's Earthquake-stricken Area with the Chinese Rescue Team

极目新闻 2023-02-24 22:52:41 阅读量:

当地人连喊“Thank you, China”

Locals Shout “Thank you, China”


Jimu News Correspondents March into Turkey's Earthquake-stricken Area with the Chinese Rescue Team

伊斯坦布尔机场,民众为在此转机的中国救援队鼓掌  At Istanbul Airport, people applaud the Chinese rescue team who were transiting there

蓝天救援队搬运救援物资  The Blue Sky Rescue Team carries relief supplies

文图:楚天都市报极目新闻特派记者 满达 胡莉 发自土耳其

后方统筹:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 李曼英 宋清影

实习生 张佳怡

翻译 阮梦琪 石晶晶 熊紫瑞 (湖北大学)

Text and pictures: special correspondents Man Da, Hu Li from Turkey

Coordinators: Li Manying, Song Qingying

Intern: Zhang Jiayi

Translators: Ruan Mengqi, Shi Jingjing, and Xiong Zirui (Hubei University)

凄冷,孤寂,惨烈……尽管提前做了很多心理建设,但极目新闻特派记者抵达土耳其地震重灾区马拉蒂亚市时,还是被这里满目疮痍的景象所震惊。当地时间9日凌晨5时30分(北京时间9日上午10时50分),极目新闻特派记者随蓝天救援队队员们抵达马拉蒂亚机场,将在这片此前还没有国际救援力量踏足的重灾区展开救援。当地人看到中国救援人员到来时,连喊:“Thank you,China!”

Desolate, lonely, tragic... In spite of much psychological preparation in advance, correspondent reporters from Jimu News were still shocked by the devastated scene when they arrived in Malatya, Turkey's earthquake-stricken city. At 5:30 a.m. local time on the 9th (10:50 a.m. Beijing time on the 9th), special correspondents from Jimu News arrived at Malatya Airport with members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team, who would carry out the rescue in this hard-hit area where no international rescue force has set foot yet. When the locals saw the Chinese rescuers arriving, they shouted: “Thank you, China!”



Correspondents March into the Hardest-stricken Area with the Rescue Team



The bright moon at 5:30 am on the 9th illuminated the apron of Malatya Airport.


The members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team, who landed after more than 10 hours of flight, had no time to rest and immediately began assisting the airport staff in loading and unloading the rescue supplies brought by the plane. This is because they knew that these rescue equipment and supplies, transported thousands of miles from China, could only save more lives if they arrived at the rescue site as soon as possible.


After an hour of hard work, the members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team got on a bus and drove out of the airport to a vacant school, which would serve as their rescue camp.


Not long after the car drove out of the airport, the Jimu News correspondents found that the window glass quickly became opaque, and when he touched it with his hand, it turned out to be ice that had just formed. The temperature was about minus 10℃. The sight outside the car was covered with snow, and many members of the rescue team stomped their feet in the cold.


It was daylight, and the bus passed through a rural place. The correspondents saw that many houses were cracked and damaged, pitch black with no lights on, while some open places shimmered with the faint light of fires. The translator on board said that due to the continuous aftershocks, many residents were afraid to stay at home for safety reasons. They built fires outside and struggled to survive.


The bus was driving on the empty road, and members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team entered the urban area of Malatya. Under the blue sky, the urban area of Malatya was extremely deserted. There were a large number of collapsed houses on the streets, with few people or cars in the piles of ruins. Jimu News correspondents observed along the way that some houses that had collapsed were completely shattered to pieces, and the load-bearing columns were broken into slag. There was no building in sight that was still one whole piece. “This will be a very difficult rescue mission.” a team member sighed in the car.


Along the way, there was basically no rescue force, but for a few rescue excavation vehicles parked near a ruin. People may have carried out rescue work, but they did not clear much of the scene. After one night, many of the ruins were covered in a thick layer of snow, and if someone was trapped underneath, it was undoubtedly extremely difficult to survive.



Local Residents Thank Chinese Rescuers



After arriving at the rescue camp, Jimu News correspondents saw many relief supplies donated by Chinese companies, including rescue vehicles, cooking utensils, kettles, drinking water, and etc.


Although this was a school before, the living supplies in the camp were not sufficient. The team members would face many challenges to accommodate more than 100 people here.

一名土耳其男子询问记者:“你们是来自中国吗?谢谢你们!”他一边拿着手机拍照,一边用英语对队员们,“Thank you, China!”其他土耳其当地居民也纷纷过来搭手,协助中国救援人员卸下物资。

A Turkish man asked the correspondents: “Are you from China? Thank you!” He took pictures with his mobile phone and said to the rescue team in English, “Thank you, China!” Other local Turkish residents also came over to help the Chinese rescuers unload supplies.


Meanwhile, more members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team began to wear rescue equipment, ready to begin rescue efforts immediately. Wang Yi, the leader of the Team, said in an interview that they would immediately visit the earthquake site and deploy operations in consideration of traffic and other aspects. From Wuhan to Malatya, the team members took two flights and then one bus ride, which lasted more than 10 hours. Everyone knew that they had to start working immediately after arriving at the scene, and there was no time to rest, so most of the members took advantage of the time on the road to rest, which was also to prepare for the high-intensity work in the future.


According to information gathered, the local search and rescue work in Malatya continued rescue efforts in the below freezing temperatures and piles of snow. But before the arrival of the Blue Sky Rescue Team, international rescue forces had not yet entered the area, so the area was in urgent need of help.



Malatya Disaster Worse Than Expected


Previously, Zhang Yupu, head of the International Department of Jiangsu Supervision Blue Sky Rescue, said that many buildings in Malatya were destroyed and inhabitable due to continuous rock fall from the mountains. Many people were living in tents and the situation was much worse than imagined. 


Turkish Education Minister Özer said that all schools in the 10 affected provinces of the country would be closed for two weeks. About 250,000 people displaced by the earthquake in southern Turkey are currently staying in schools run by the Ministry of Education in Malatya. However, local residents said that although there are shelters for disaster victims, it may take hours to reach these locations in the city due to heavy snow and cold weather. Some who had tried to leave the city on their own reported that the bus station in the city was severely damaged, and the road was blocked by heavy snow, making it impossible to leave the city.


A survivor named Konaci said that the traffic in Malatya is currently very bad, “Aftershocks have affected us a lot, the roads are icy, and everyone wants to stay as far away from the collapsed buildings as possible.”


According to the Jimu News correspondents, members of the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team reported after arriving in Malatya, that there is currently a shortage of warm materials such as down jackets, thermal clothes, thick socks, blankets, sleeping bags and moisture-proof pads. Those who are willing to provide them can contact the Blue Sky Rescue Team.
