
Heroes come from the people:A Female Sanitation Worker in Wuchang Donates Blood 100 Times within 7 Years

极目新闻 2023-02-27 13:46:19 阅读量:


A Female Sanitation Worker in Wuchang Donates Blood 100 Times within 7 Years

汪菊香正在献血中 摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者卢成汉  Wang Juxiang donating blood (Photos provided by Lu Chenghan, JIMU News)

汪菊香夫妇相约献血到60岁  Wang Juxiang and her husband vow to donate blood until the age of 60

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 卢成汉

通讯员 殷莉红 白丹 覃小玲

JIMU News Reporter: Lu Chenghan 

Correspondent: Yin Lihong, Bai Dan, Qin Xiaoling

翻译 王洁 潘云昊 卫拉

Translators: Wang Jie, Pan Yunhao, Lisa M.K (Hubei University)


Wang Juxiang, a 55-year-old female sanitation worker of Second Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge Cleaning Team in Wuchang district, has been donating blood for more than 7 years. As a low-profile, voluntary blood donor, her charitable deeds were finally “exposed” when she had to switch shifts with her co-worker to make time for blood donation. Her good deeds do not end there, seeing her co-worker's lunch turn cold, Wang exchanged her redeemable points earned from blood donation for a microwave which she herself never even used.


At 7:00 a.m., Feb.15, after clearing the sidewalk of over 500 meters, Wang rolled up her sleeve to donate blood at the Wuhan Blood Center accompanied by her husband. “Today marks my 100th blood donation, with an accumulated blood donation (component blood) of 23,000 ml,” Wang told JIMU News. “My husband and I plan to donate blood until we are 60, which is the age-limit for blood donation.”


A Female Sanitation Worker, a Blood Donor


At 4:00 a.m., Feb.15, as the whole city was still asleep, the slender silhouette of Wang Juxiang could be seen sweeping the sidewalk at Zhongshan Road and Jiyu Road Intersection in Wuchang. Three hours later, the over 500-meter-long sidewalk had been cleared.


For 18 years, Wang has been reporting for work one hour earlier. On the morning of February 14, she asked Mi Guirong, the supervisor of her cleaning team, if she could take half a day off the next day and asked her colleagues to fill in for her in her shifts.


“She has been donating blood for more than seven years and this time she took a leave due to blood donation,” Mi told JIMU News. “She has never missed work for blood donation, and so we all support her.”


Accompanied by her husband Yuan Xianhua, Wang arrived at the Wuhan Blood Center at around 9 am on Monday to donate blood. Inspired by Wang's example, four sanitation workers and two urban management law enforcement officers from Wuchang City urban management system also joined her in donating blood.


At about 10 o 'clock, Wang completed the blood test. At around 10:50, she sat down calmly at the donation table, much more relaxed than three years ago.


The JIMU News reporter still recalls that three years ago, Wang donated blood on New Year's Day. As the needle was inserted into her arm, Wang clenched her teeth, showing slight tension. “I'm afraid of needles.” she remarked and grinned once the needle had been entirely pierced.


The blood collection pump slowly rotated and after more than 40 minutes, Wang had donated 200 ml of blood. After the blood donation, the staff at the blood station tied a ribbon on Wang's arm to celebrate her 100th blood donation, and a bright smile lit up her face.


“Family of Heroes” Donates a Total of100,000 ml of Blood


Her husband, Yuan Xianhua, who accompanied Wang Juxiang to donate blood, is also a veteran blood donor.


In 2005, Yuan was the first in his family to donate blood. Inspired by their father, his two sons subsequently joined him. Yuan told reporters that Wang also wanted to donate blood at that time but failed several physical examinations and could not make the donation. After adjusting her work schedule and diet, she completed her first voluntary blood donation in October 2015.


“In the past before I started donating blood, I had frequent bouts of cold sores.” Wang said that in the past decade, she took various medication but failed to cure her cheilitis. After more than a year of blood donation, the illness has since disappeared and she no longer experiences fatigue at work.


Inspired by Wang, her colleagues also started donating blood.


During the pandemic, Wang still insisted on donating blood. After that, her interval between blood donations was adjusted from 14 days to 21 days.


Yuan proudly told the reporter that his family is a “family of heroic donors”. The family of four has donated more than 100,000 ml of blood. On June 15, Yuan and Wang made an agreement to donate blood until the age of 60, and “strive to win the honorary award for lifelong blood donation.”


Leave Application Reveals Wang's Heroic Deeds


On May 24, 2017, Wang Juxiang picked up a brand-new iPhone 6S at the Phoenix Mountain bus stop on Zhongshan Road while working the night shift. A passer-by offered 1,500 yuan for the phone, but Wang declined the offer, saying, “I will return it to the owner.”


When the owner failed to show up, Wang took the phone home when it ran out of power. After her son Yuan Xin learned about it, he charged the phone, and then unlocked it at his own expense of 100 yuan, and finally got in touch with the owner, Ms. Chen, after returning a missed call on the phone. When Ms. Chen offered a monetary reward, Wang declined. To express her gratitude, Ms. Chen made a banner reading “may the one who returns lost money have a happy life” and gifted it to the sanitation office.


“I have a commitment on June 14 and would like to switch my shift for that day.” Just after the team leader Mi Guirong received the banner, Wang requested to switch her shift. “There isn't any festival or holiday coming soon. What are you going to do on that day?” After inquiring, Mi learned that all four members of Wang's family had participated in blood donation. Since June 14th is World Blood Donor Day, Wang had planned to donate blood again on that day.


Her story soon spread in the team, and vice supervisor Xu Manzhen was moved by her actions. While Xu had also intended to participate in blood donation, she was hesitant — Does blood donation have any negative impact on the body? Will my family approve of my decision? Wang told Xu about her blood donation experience, and reassured Xu.


On January 1, 2018, accompanied by Wang, Xu went to Wuhan Blood Center, but did not donate red blood cells as they did not meet the standard. “Try including peanuts, lean meat, pork liver and so on in your diet, that will help.” Wang offered her advice. On April 14, after three attempts, Xu finally succeeded in donating 200 ml of blood. Since then, she donates blood regularly.


Donating a Microwave to Her Co-workers


At lunch time on Sunday, several sanitation workers of the cleaning team on Zhongshan Road reheated the food they had brought in the morning in the microwave oven. Mi Guirong, supervisor of the team, said Wang donated the microwave oven to the team three years ago after using redeemable points from her blood donation. “She just wants everyone to have a warm lunch, even though she hasn't used it herself ever since.”

那是2020年1月1日,新年第一天,天气寒冷,汪菊香与副班长徐满珍一起去献血。“现在天冷了,我们班一些同事早上带的午饭到中午早已冰冰凉,吃冷饭冷菜怎么受得了?” 汪菊香提议,两人用献血的积分兑换一台微波炉,拿到班里共用。徐满珍一听马上赞同。原来,无偿献血一个治疗量(200毫升),可以获一个积分,积分可以兑换日用品。

It was January 1, 2020, the first day of the New Year. The weather was cold. Wang and the vice supervisor Xu went to donate blood together. “It's winter snow and cold outside, some of our coworkers bring lunch in the morning which by lunch time is already cold. Who wants to eat a cold lunch?” Wang proposed that they exchange their points for a microwave oven and share it with the team to which Xu immediately agreed. The points had accumulated over time, since for every 200 ml of blood donated a donor receives one redeemable point, which can be exchanged for daily goods and appliances.


After donating blood on the same day, Wang Juxiang exchanged her points for a microwave oven.


At 10:30 a.m., the reporter watched them carry the microwave oven to the office. Mi, said happily, “We can now have warm lunches.”


It has since been three years, the microwave oven has reheated countless lunches, but Wang has never once used it. She said, since she worked morning shifts, she can simply go home and enjoy a warm meal for lunch.
